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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 48)
R.Bell - - 48 comments @ Jawbreaker

Oh hey! That cool-looking Manhunt-meets-Resident Evil VII: Biohazard-meets-Condemned: Criminal Origins horror game is nearing release! It was one of the highlights in a pretty terrible Realms Deep conference last year, so I'll happily buy this on Steam when I get around to doing so.

Good karma+1 vote
R.Bell - - 48 comments @ Doom 3: Phobos

Hello. I'd like to ask: Will Phobos get a Dhewm3 compatibility update?

Good karma+1 vote
R.Bell - - 48 comments @ Jedi Knight Remastered 3.3 Windows OS Only

After finishing JKDF2 in this form... All I have to say is "WHEN will OpenJKDF2 include support for improved lightsabers and when will it be okay to give the MOTS expansion a 3.0 treatment?" This is probably my go-to for Jedi Knight from now on until Night Dive remasters it properly.

Also, how do I update?

Good karma+1 vote
R.Bell - - 48 comments @ It's not Just for Kids: Why Serious Developers Should Care about Games-as-a-Platform Explosion?

Oh, this is CERTAINLY going to go well with moddb's user base...


Good karma+4 votes
R.Bell - - 48 comments @ MARROW Announcement Trailer

Seeing this and looking at the level design on display was enough for me to download the mod. This looks like a must for Blood alongside Death Wish, and the trailer itself is both beautiful, haunting, and glorious with a new version of a track from the original game.

...And then in Realms Deep, after showing this work of art, they immediately followed it up with a generic AAA turn based cringe fest with an edgy chick in a LOL-lookin' artstyle dropping F-bombs. [groan] Friggin' Nu 3D Realms, man...

Good karma+1 vote
R.Bell - - 48 comments @ TimeWarp

This looks very interesting, and I dig the 1990s/2000s anime-influenced artstyle.

Good karma+4 votes
R.Bell - - 48 comments @ Postal 3D

...A first person redo of the original psychological mayhem-based twitch shooter that started it all.

I didn't know I wanted this, but I do!

Good karma+2 votes
R.Bell - - 48 comments @ Duke Nukem Forever: Restoration Project

After 14 years in development, a spiteful, ugly final product made by a perfectionist w---ker, nasty tell-all biographies, and a leak of what was promised, we finally have it.
And it's FANTASTIC! This was more than worth the wait. The leak was like, 75-80% complete, and you guys turned it into a nigh 90% complete game! It's fun, it's atmospheric, the voice acting is great, I dig how you managed to introduce a pre-Ion Fury Shelly "Bombshell" Harrison into the restoration, the weapons are fun, and the EDF are the best Duke enemies, hands down.

If George's perfection didn't wreck everything, Forever could've been like this on release, but now that you're finishing it, we've finally got what we were owed and it is fantastic. The wait for the Second Slice will be worth it, I guarantee.

P.S. How do I solve the Cleaning Bot puzzle? I'm stuck and I don't know how to open the Cleaning Bot door.

Good karma+1 vote
R.Bell - - 48 comments @ Jawbreaker

Soo basically, it's a real spiritual successor to Manhunt.

Good karma+1 vote
R.Bell - - 48 comments @ Half-Life: Reamped

Um... Am I the only one who feels that the name is misleading? Reamped sounds like a gameplay overhaul mod, but in reality it's a Doom 2016-inspired "This is what I think happened to Gordon after killing the Nihilanth" mod.

Maybe work on the title.

EDIT: Still looks pretty cool.

Good karma+2 votes
R.Bell - - 48 comments @ Peripeteia Bi-weekly Screenshot Update: Veins of the City and the Void Beneath

Question: Will the finished Peripeteia feature select voice acting?

Good karma+2 votes
R.Bell - - 48 comments @ 20th Anniversary - Total Conversion Titans

Cry of Fear is definitely the most impressive. So impressive that the devs decided to make it freeware on Steam, so you don't need Half-Life to run it anymore.

Good karma+3 votes
R.Bell - - 48 comments @ Dane Chronicles

RIP Wilson and Dane Chronicles.

I overall wish the devs best of luck on their mission to kill a mad God (Go To Hell), but still. At least one of these mods got close to finished.

Good karma+2 votes
R.Bell - - 48 comments @ GoldenEye: Rogue Agent v. 4.0 is Coming

This mod REALLY makes me crave for an Iron Assault style remake/reimagining of GoldenEye Rogue Agent on the Doom engine.

Good karma+4 votes
R.Bell - - 48 comments @ We've found the 1998 Duke Nukem Forever theme!

The 1998 trailer music is genuinely one of the best Grabbag renditions out there.

Good karma+6 votes
R.Bell - - 48 comments @ Duke Nukem Forever: Restoration Project

Holy ****! You actually got one of the best Duke impersonators out there for this mod!

Good karma0 votes
R.Bell - - 48 comments @ Duke Nukem Forever: Restoration Project

Question: Who is the Duke impersonator for this mod? I know the lines St. John recorded for the pre-feature creep builds will be featured, but I heard some original dialogue in one of the videos above.

Good karma+1 vote
R.Bell - - 48 comments @ Inherently Evil is now a Free Unity Game!

Oh, so it's a standalone Unity engine game now!

Y'know, I think Source has better physics overall.

Good karma+1 vote
R.Bell - - 48 comments @ Fursan al-Aqsa is on Steam Summer Sales

There's a four-letter word I'm thinking off... And your full of it.

I think I'll leave it at that. All I'll add is that I don't think this is based at all. More like, BIased.

Good karma+1 vote
R.Bell - - 48 comments @ LE1 Community Patch - v1.3 Update

Wait, after a fight, Kaidan was accidentally referred to as a female?

Good karma+1 vote
R.Bell - - 48 comments @ Fursan al-Aqsa is on Steam Summer Sales

So why is Fursan al-Aqsa so "BASED"?
"It's a game about the Israeli/Palestine conflict from a Palestinian perspective"

EDIT: I mean, to the dev: You are aware that the Israeli/Palestine conflict has ZERO heroes or villains, right?

Good karma0 votes
R.Bell - - 48 comments @ Announcing A New Tournament And A New Faction!

Any discord for where I can get news of future matches?

Good karma+3 votes
R.Bell - - 48 comments @ Half-Life: Reamped

So this mod is not gonna blow my socks off, it's gonna blow my ******* socks off.

Does this mean that this mod is Doom 2016 but Half-Life?

Good karma+1 vote
R.Bell - - 48 comments @ Alice Dreamland

HOLY HELL... A mod for Alice!

So, will this mod feature voice acting?

Good karma+2 votes
R.Bell - - 48 comments @ Wars and Roses Release Date and Gameplay Trailer

**** YOU GUYS. Hope your bad idea bombs and only does well with ***** teenage idiots.

Good karma-3 votes
R.Bell - - 48 comments @ HaZardModding FoV Mod

Does it work with singleplayer?

Good karma+3 votes
R.Bell - - 48 comments @ Project Reality: BF2 v1.7 Released!

So is Project Reality: Battlefield 2 a version of the mod that still requires BF2?

Good karma+1 vote
R.Bell - - 48 comments @ CGI CUT SCENES ARE INCLUDED

People of Earth, lend me your ears and listen wisely: My name is Doctor Eggman, the world's greatest genius, and soon to be the world's greatest leader.

Good karma0 votes
R.Bell - - 48 comments @ Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Single-Player & Cooperative

This is a recreation mod that is actually pretty good and has tons of potential.

The main thing keeping it from greatness is the balance. I found that certain levels were beyond unbalanced, most notably Rail Gun, and it's mainly due to the amount of enemies: So much Nazi stormtroopers, so much Female Commandos, so much UBERSOLDATENS (which by the way, are meant to be boss fights/minibosses in RTCW and beyond), I doubt that Splash Damage had this in mind as they were producing the ill-fated singleplayer campaign, and this is too much, even by WOLFENSTEIN standards!

Keep in mind: I'm playing this on Don't Hurt Me/Normal, and it still feels like playing the main Return to Castle Wolfenstein campaign on I Am Death Incarnate. Basically, a few tweaks to the enemy placement (and in turn, the balance), and this mod is much better.

Good karma+3 votes
R.Bell - - 48 comments @ Bionicle Heroes: Myths of Voya Nui 1.3 Release!

Question: Will you include a first-person perspective in future versions of the mod, much like how developers Traveller's Tales intended?

Good karma+2 votes